Probably, your camping experience did not go well as you had imagined. Probably, the lack of a camping gear had turned your camping experience into a nightmare. Whatever your reason is, we don’t want you to have the worst camping experience. For that reason, we have listed down the best camping gears that you need for your next camping trip. Also, you don’t have to worry about the exorbitant prices of camping tents or gears. Camp USA is hosting CompUSA Black Friday 2019 Deals where you can save hundreds of dollars on camping gears. So, let’s get started into our section of top camping gears for your next camping trip.
Camping Tent - A camping tent is one of the essential camping gears that you can’t think of carrying. In fact, you can call it a home when you are out in other areas, exploring and unraveling the mysteries of the world. No matter if you are going on a solo camping trip or going with a whole gang, carrying a camping tent is inevitable. You can choose from different size, depending upon the number of persons accompanying you. A camping tent will let you store all the essentials and in case, you have families with you, you can get your own privacy as well.
Mattress - Sleeping on the ground can be painful. So, it is important that you carry a mattress with yourself. This will keep the insects and bugs away from your body and you can have a sound and peaceful sleep after a scaling a long mountain.
Flashlight - No matter if you are on a solo trip or with 4 persons, each camper in your group needs to have a flashlight. While you can carry headlamps as well but holding them for long can be painful. On the other hand, a flashlight is quite portable and compact in size. It can easily fit in your backpacks without taking much of your space. The ease to switch on and off comes handy. Carry a flashlight is important as far as safety is concerned.
Camp Stove - Carrying a camp stove is important as far as cooking matters. You can cook food in an open fire but there are some places where campfires are banned due to the threat it may cause. For such a scenario, you would want to carry a camp stove. Along with the camp stove, you need to bring fuel to cook the meals.
Map - A good camper will not forget to carry a map along with himself. With the help of a map, a camper gets to know how far he has come and how much distance is yet to be traveled by him. While digital maps can be a good idea but they depend on signals and that’s rare when you camp in isolated areas. So, carrying paper maps is definitely a good idea.
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